1. What did the instructor at the school for Kamikaze pilots tell his students?
2. Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister in the state of California?
3. How many times can you subtract 5 from 25?
4. What two things can never be eaten for breakfast?
5. What did the fish say when he ran into a concrete wall?
6. Imagine you are in a sinking boat and surrounded by sharks. How do you survive?
7. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?
8.The person who makes it doesn't want it. The person who buys it doesn't use it. The person who uses it doesn't see it. What is it?
9. While some months have just 30 days, others have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?
10. On my way to St. Ives I saw a man with 7 wives. Each wife had 7 sacks. Each sack had 7 cats. Each cat had 7 kittens. Kitten, cats, sacks, wives. How many were going to St. Ives?
Answers to the Funny Riddles
1. Watch this closely. I'm only going to do this once.
2. Probably not, since he's dead.
3. Just once, because after you subtract anything from it, it's not 25 anymore.
4. Lunch and Dinner.
5. "Damn."
6. Just quit imagining!
7. Mount Everest, of course.
8. A coffin.
9. Every month has 28 days.
10. Just one, me (I saw a man...).
Robie Williams

Robert Peter Maximillion Williams was born in Stoke-On-Trent on Wednesday 13th February 1974. From a very early age the young Robbie demonstrated his star qualities, performing 'Summer Nights' from Grease on stage in Spain when only three years old. At school, Robbie's exam scores were less than perfect, perhaps because his mind and ambition was focused on his entertainment career. He was inspired to entertain by his father who was a comedian, and though Robbie's current gift is the ability to make great music, his sense of humour is always evident.
Now let´s enjoy a couple of his songs while we sing along. The first one is
She`s the one...
And the following is called Something stupid. This song was sung by Robie Williams and Nicoll Kidman. But originally sung by Frank Sinatra and his dauhgter.
Come on sing along with them !!!